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Where to start your network marketing network

It only makes sense that your launch your network marketing business by approaching people you already know — also known as your warm list. Typically, people you know are more inclined to help you and more forgiving of your mistakes.

The average person knows around 100 to 200 people, or network marketing prospects. If you can’t recall many names, go through the following list and use these memory joggers to compile a list of people in your potential network marketing network:

Friends and network marketing: Includes present and previous coworkers, those you attended school with, live nearby or did, served in the military together, met online through a social networking or online dating site.

Family and network marketing: Parents and grandparents, siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles, children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews, in-laws.

Fitness and network marketing: Golf, running, biking, basketball, football, basketball, swimming, martial arts, lifting weights, fitness trainer, bowling, tennis, dance partner, dance instructor.

Community and network marketing: Church, neighborhood association events, lodge meetings like Rotary or Lions club, political meetings, police officer.

School and network marketing: School events, teachers or administrators, coaches, PTAs, parents of your kids friends, babysitter, school crossing guard.

Casual and network marketing: Grocery store, mall, bus stop, waiting for your car at the carwash, while doing laundry, walking your dog, bars and night clubs, waiting at airports, bus and train stations, sitting next to them on planes, busses

Caretakers and network marketing: Doctor, chiropractor, veterinarian, dentist, dental hygienist, eye doctor, nurse, pharmacist, herbalist, message therapist, psychologist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, nutritionist, personal coach, acupuncturist, receptionist.

Daily business and network marketing: Checkout clerk, housecleaner, waiter or waitress, hair stylist, barber, manicurist, appliance repair person, handyman, bank clerk, postal clerk, postal delivery person, convenience store clerk, landlord, travel agent, mechanic, daycare manager, florist, dry cleaner, plumber, electrician, garbage collector, lawn care, gardener, landscaper.

Professional and network marketing: Accountant, lawyer, realtor, mortgage broker, notary public, banker, financial planner, insurance agent, business owner, store manager, engineer, architect, home builder, artist, musician, graphic designer, interior decorator, computer programmer.

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