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Identify core needs of network marketing prospects

Experts may differ, yet common denominators appear in virtually every list of how man’s needs are named and prioritized. Our core human requirements can be summarized as:

  • Safety – security – feeling protected
  • Love – connection – a sense of belonging
  • Self-esteem – significance – to be respected
  • Diversity – challenge – creative expression
  • Growth – self-actualization – ability to control
  • Contribution – peak experiences – transcendence

When deciding to buy a network marketing product or commit to a network marketing opportunity, each person asks themselves, “What’s in it for me?” People don’t care about your goal to make Diamond level or whatever by the end of the month; they care about how to solve their own problems and create a better life.

Before you can know if you can help someone, take time to discover the person’s individual requirements. Your network marketing prospects will come to you with different challenges.

If you neglect to learn and understand an individual’s situation, you may come across to a network marketing prospect as nothing more than the typical salesperson who doggedly repeats the same presentation over and over again. A ritual network marketing presentation will result in a small percentage of people buying, but it will cost you more over time, because you must make more rote performances just to get new customers. As fast as you sell new people in, previous buyers are on the way out.

Increase your long-term results by acknowledging each person you communicate with. Learn what’s going on with someone by active listening when the person is talking, and by asking questions.

A frequently asked question in network marketing is, “Should I lead with the business opportunity or the product/service?” if you would have more of both loyal customers and active distributors, invest time getting to know your prospects before assuming that leading one way or another will fit every situation.

Network marketing is a people business and every person has different challenges. Bear in mind that people are not interested in your product or network marketing business; they are interested in solving their own problems.

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