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7 Components of Leadership in Network Marketing

network marketing

The network marketing scene in America alone reached $35 billion in sales in the year 2019. 

And the success of this business model has only risen from there! In fact, network marketing is thought to be one of the best pandemic-proof careers out there. 

But how do you know if you have what it takes to be a successful network marketer? Do you have to be outgoing, popular, and pushy to be a good MLM leader? 

We’re here to unwrap the essential components of leadership in network marketing to help you become the successful small business owner you always dreamed of. Follow along to discover if you have what it takes here. 

What is Network Marketing

Before we jump into the leadership qualities of a network marketer, it’s important we get a handle on what network marketing is

First and foremost, network marketing is a business model in which sales are made via a person-to-person system. This system is proven to be effective because of the value consumers place on personal recommendations. Of course, this doesn’t mean you have to have hundreds of friends to see success. 

You do, however, have to display extraordinary leadership skills to build a worthy team. 

Think of it this way, if you had two different people approach you with the same product, would you be more likely to partner up with the one who is unsure of themselves, the product, and what to do, or the one who is confident, knows the answers to your questions, and is willing to find the answers to the ones they don’t?

Of course, you would want to work with the latter, and the reason lies in seven key components. 

1. Big Goals

To be a great leader in network marketing, you must have incredible goals. To be specific, your goals need to be bigger than all of the other members of your team. 

Now, this isn’t a competitive measure, in fact, competitiveness within your team is almost never necessary. The reason your goals need to be so big is so that everyone on your team can look up to and strive to accomplish with you. 

If a member of your team has bigger goals than you do, who can they look to for guidance in achieving their dreams? 

2. Optimism

We get it, everyone has a ‘this is too hard’ moment from time to time, however, true leaders are able to push through this with a solid dose of optimism. 

Sales a bit low at the start of the month? Instead of fretting and feeling doom over a lower paycheck, a strong leader will pick up their socks and work hard to have the best sales month yet. This may mean getting in touch with team members, hosting more events, or simply being the motivational force for your business. 

3. Decision-Making Skills

Every business needs a decision-maker to put plans into action. The leader’s job is to make educated choices for the benefit of the team and act on those decisions. 

Your team will need to know you’ve got a plan that they can actively participate in, rather than waste their time wandering around ‘hoping’ to see results. 

Not only do you need to make big decisions, but you’ll also need to take responsibility if things don’t go as planned. Own up to your mistakes and learn from them, rather than placing blame or shying away. Your ability to take responsibility will be appreciated and respected among your team. 

4. Integrity

No one wants to work for a boss that shows no integrity. While your team may not see you as their ‘boss’, as their leader, you will need to show an immense amount of integrity and character. 

This will ensure your team that you are dedicated to doing the right thing. This integrity dispels feelings of being taken advantage of or poor business principles. In the long run, a business with integrity will see far more success than one that acts for short-term gain. 

5. Prioritize Your Team’s Needs

One of the hardest skills in network marketing jobs to perfect is selflessness among your team. While you have your own goals and ambitions, the best network marketing companies see success because of their desire to help others.

When your downline runs into trouble, you’re there to support, motivate, and answer their questions, even if it takes you away from landing another sale. In the big picture, your team’s success is your success, so every member of the team deserves the same support and nurturing as they grow.

Whether a downline is bringing in thousands of dollars or tens of dollars, every member is crucial and they all need your help. 

6. Personal Growth and Development

Because a network marketing business is a people business, it’s crucial that a leader is always striving for personal development

The more you understand yourself, the more you’ll be able to understand and relate to the members of your team. This means investing time and money in developing your leadership skills, growing your self-awareness, and developing as a person and as a business owner. 

The more you prioritize personal development, the more your team will grow. 

7. Persistence and Determination

Last but not least, a great network marketing leader is the master of intrinsic motivation. Since you’ll be the heartbeat of your entire team, you’ll need to not only be able to motivate yourself but motivate others to succeed. This is right next to impossible if you lack the ability to self-motivate. 

Your persistence and determination will be key in leading by example and is the final piece of the puzzle for success in network marketing.

Build Your Network Marketing Leadership Skills

Now that you know the seven components of a great network marketing leader, it’s time to build your skillset. From adopting an optimistic mindset to motivating a team of determined individuals, we’re confident that you’ll be dominating your network marketing job in no time. 

Want to learn more about network marketing? Discover the best network marketing company for you and how they operate today!

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