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how much is nu skin toothpaste

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  5. how much is nu skin toothpaste

Asked: 2019-06-14 06:04:38

Hello guys, does anyone knows how much does Nu Skin toothpaste costs? My teeth are really getting yellow and ugly recently and I’m starting to be worried. They were always very white before, do idk if its something to do with what i’m eating or something. I don’t really have a lot of money right now because i’m unemployed, so I want to find a solution that will be cheap enough. My friend told me that Nu Skin toothpaste is really good for my case. Can anyone help with that? I really can’t afford toothpaste that is very expensive, so I’m asking to know if I should use it or not.


Answered: 2019-06-15 00:52:01

The AP24 toothpaste on the Nu Skin site is 20 bucks. I use a lot and I really recommend it, Camila. I know it may seen kinda expensive if you are really struggling for money but I would certainly recommend it. My teeth are way whiter now than they were some months ago, so it’s probably a good idea.


Answered: 2019-06-15 22:59:35

This toothpaste is pretty good! I know I used it before and it’s great. Hey, you can buy directly on the official site and it should be around $20, but I wouldn’t do that. You can easily find some other people selling it, too. For instance, I just googled here and Amazon was having a sale, so be sure to always check out really well if want to find the best prices, that’s what I always say.


Answered: 2019-06-14 23:11:58

Officially, it costs around $20. If you order over $100 in products, Nu Skin lets the shipping be free. You can find it cheaper if it’s on sale. I can’t say more about the price, but the product is pretty good. My whole family uses it, you know. It’s not only good to make your teeth whiter but also to prevent cavities and stuff. Really recommend it.


Answered: 2019-06-16 01:12:02

Hello, Camila! My daughter uses nu skin toothpaste so I know it’s around 20 dollars. I always buy directly from the official site, but recently I wondering if I should start looking elsewhere. 20 dollars is kinda expensive for me, so I’m really considering whether to choose other options in the market.

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