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self improvement ideas

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  5. self improvement ideas

Asked: 2019-04-06 00:50:23

What are some of your self-improvement ideas that can affect your health?


Answered: 2019-04-06 09:25:47

Another self-improvement idea is being more active. You don’t have to go to a gym and workout, but take your dog for a walk. Start doing yoga in your living room or ride your bike around the block. There are endless possibilities for getting active in your life instead of being sitting in front of the TV all the time.


Answered: 2019-04-06 23:53:12

Next, try working on your mental state. Try doing some yoga, meditation, or writing your thoughts down in a journal. We all struggle with something in our lives, so it’s best to get it out somehow. Meditation can help clear your thoughts while writing it all down can help work your way through problems in your life.


Answered: 2019-04-06 15:44:00

One self-improvement idea is eating healthier. Most of us love to splurge once in a while, but sometimes we need the right motivation to eat healthier. This doesn’t mean eat all healthy foods, but to eat mostly healthy foods. Most diets force you to not eat sweets, sugar, and the list goes on. However, the best way to eat healthily is to balance it out. Don’t overstuff yourself with junk food. Instead, eat healthy during the week and then splurge on a sweet or two during the weekend.


Answered: 2019-04-06 22:37:13

Pampering yourself with manicures and pedicures is another self-improvement idea. Weird right? Oddly enough, by treating yourself to whatever you love doing, you can feel good about yourself. Therefore, you will have more positive thoughts about yourself. You are working your way toward being a better you.

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